HEMORRHOIDS: Suppositories at hand against the crisis

 As embarrassing as it is painful, the hemorrhoidal crisis is still too often taboo. However, it is very widespread since one person in two over the age of 50 has already suffered from it at least for one period during their life. With a peak frequency between 45 and 65 years, the hemorrhoidal crisis affects both men and women. The online pharmacy for France lifts the veil on this intimate disease.


Everyone is affected by hemorrhoids. These veins present at the level of the anus and the rectum are not painful in normal times. It is because they are subject to prolonged high blood pressure in the rectum when opening for defecation, that they can be the seat of inflammation which causes pain and therefore the “hemorrhoidal crisis” .


The hemorrhoidal crisis is a benign disease that cannot degenerate into cancer. It appears when the veins dilate or when a thrombosis (blood clot) comes to block the blood flow. Sharp pain on defecation and red bleeding that settles on stool or toilet paper are the main symptoms. In some cases, it is possible to feel a small bluish ball in the folds of the anus.

Risk factors : 

Defecation is not the only cause, other factors explain the appearance of symptoms:

  • Pregnancy (especially in the 3rd trimester), childbirth and the immediate postpartum period;
  • Constipation due to difficult evacuation of stools;
  • Diarrhea with an increased rate of defecation.

Other risk factors such as overweight, physical inactivity, prolonged sitting and standing, carrying heavy loads, anal sex, or a family history of hemorrhoidal attacks are also documented.


A few simple measures such as regular physical activity and a balanced diet, rich in fiber (fruits, vegetables and whole grains), help fight against overweight, physical inactivity and transit disorders that cause excessive pressure on the hemorrhoids. 
If you are prone to hemorrhoidal attacks, some simple measures can help prevent recurrences:

  • Do not refrain from having a bowel movement when the need arises;
  • Avoid straining while holding your breath during defecation;
  • Do not sit on the toilet seat for too long;
  • Be sure to eat enough fiber to have a bowel movement at least once a day;
  • Ensure good hygiene of the anal region;
  • Prefer cotton underwear;
  • Replace the toilet paper with a moistened cotton square;
  • Use a mild surgras unscented soap for local cleansing.

When to consult?

Any bleeding and pain on defecation require medical consultation, sometimes with a proctologist. After the medical examination, the doctor may suggest different treatments: 

  • Drug treatment with analgesics (paracetamol and anti-inflammatories) and veinotonics;
  • Local treatment: creams, ointments, hemorrhoid suppositories  ;
  • Endoscopic treatment by injections of sclerosing product, rubber band ligation, infrared photocoagulation, cryotherapy or electrocoagulation;
  • Surgical treatment in case of failure of previous treatments.


Among the drug treatments available, suppositories have the advantage of relieving pain and burning sensation, but also providing a soothing and cooling effect, while reducing inflammation and edema.
In the case of an adult hemorrhoidal crisis that lasts, even for less than 7 days and without complications (severe pain or profuse bleeding), it is advisable to consult. The doctor will then be able to recommend the appropriate treatment, for greater effectiveness. 


Some treatments, including some suppositories, can be ordered directly from an online pharmacy. The patient can thus begin treatment with suppositories without delay and thus quickly relieve pain thanks to the local anesthetics and anti-inflammatories contained in the treatment.